Here are the key steps to get started with the MetaMask Chrome extension:

  1. Download and install the official MetaMask extension for Chrome from the Chrome Web Store or the MetaMask website at Make sure to add the correct extension with millions of downloads.

  2. Create a new MetaMask wallet or import an existing wallet using your Secret Recovery Phrase. Set a strong password to secure your wallet.

  3. Back up your Secret Recovery Phrase in a secure location. This 12-word phrase is the only way to recover your wallet if you ever lose access.

  4. Customize your MetaMask settings as desired, such as setting a new RPC URL, adding custom tokens, or connecting a hardware wallet for extra security.

  5. Fund your MetaMask wallet by sending Ether or other ERC-20 tokens to your generated Ethereum address. You can buy crypto directly through MetaMask using a credit card or bank account.

  6. Use your MetaMask wallet to interact with decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. Connect your wallet to dApps to send transactions, sign messages, and more.

  7. Manage your MetaMask wallet by viewing your balance, transaction history, and connected dApps. You can also send crypto to other addresses or swap tokens directly in the extension.

The MetaMask Chrome extension makes it easy to store, send, and receive Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens while browsing the decentralized web. With just a few clicks, you can set up a secure crypto wallet and start exploring the world of Web3.

Last updated